Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Groundhog's Day

Groundhog's Day is a very interesting movie in many different ways. The one aspect I want to point out comes in the plot. Phil (Bill Murry) started the movie as a very angry, arrogant, jerk. (Yes that does sound harsh) But in the middle of the movie he starts to have a change in heart. I think this is due to an epiphany. His epiphany came when he spent the day with Rita and she "observed" him and how he had everything timed down to the second. After his day with Rita he saw something that changed him, and that something was hope. Hope for a life of love, hope for a life full of joy and hope for living life to the fullest. The next day he started to read literature and play the piano. I think this was the start of his new path. With this hope he had he found out that life is more than about getting the girl, making lots of money, being famous and excelling for selfish reasons. He learned to truly enjoy something, to appreciate the meaning behind these "hobbies" and learn of the wonderful gifts they posses. One example is playing the piano. After a while the viewer could tell that he was getting more into it and actually enjoyed playing the piano instead of playing the piano for selfish reasons. Especially in the jazz scene at the party when he was rocking out on the piano, the way Bill Murray acted was that in the same sort of true enjoyment, and life followed. This movie on top of the funny comedy and good filming, had a message to it. The message was not a purposeful message, but one that comes naturally through the story. And that message is to be taken however the viewer decides to take it.


Asian said...

good points there on how phil changes throughout the movie. i especially liked how he started to play the piano and eventually to everybody, it was a complete shock that he was so good in just what seemed to be 1 day's time, was awesome.

SuperBade said...

My class didn't watch this movie but it sounds pretty decent. You can't argue with a movie telling you to live life to the fullest and be happy can you? It sounds a quintessential romantic comedy.

Dan M. said...

Wasn't the time Rita noticed he had it all timed out the time he got slapped, because that was suicide montage. Anyway after that one date with her where he was trueful, his life did change for the better and he became a better person.